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Baseball: Jace Conrad – Go out and expose their weakness!

The Advertiser, June 4, 2015


Jace Conrad payed second base on last year’s Ragin’ Cajun baseball team, which went 58-10 and was one game away from going to the College World Series. Conrad was drafted by the Tampa Devil Rays and currently plays for the Ray’s minor league club, the Bowling Green Hot Rods.

Conrad’s younger brother, Brenn Conrad, is a current Cajun, and Jace Conrad posted this after the team swept the Regional Tournament in Houston:

As I sit on this minor league bus…almost through the 7-hour drive…the only thing going through my mind is Success of the Ragin’ Cajuns baseball team!

Want to talk about grinding?? If you have ever been in their shoes, you know exactly what I’m talking about. This is a selfless group of nobodys just trying to make a name for themselves. This is a team that wasn’t supposed to make a regional before winning a conference tournament….now look at them. Headed to a Super Regional.

It takes MEN to overcome the adversity and tough losses that these players over came. They don’t have veteran junior starters on the mound, or a field full of first-rounders….what they have is a bunch of guys who don’t care about anything but getting after somebody whenever it comes to crunch time. That is what you call CLUTCH.

It gives me the chills knowing that they could care less about who gets the spotlight. Thats what championship teams do!!!

They had a couple of choices when getting punched in the face a week or so ago in the first game of the Sun Belt Tournament. They could have crumbled and called it a year, or they could have stood up like the men they are and responded. Like I was taught as a player at UL, responding is THE MOST important thing that you will ever do in life…and that’s what they did.

Success is hard to come by these days…only those who deserve it receive it….and, damn it, from what I have seen during the offseason and from what I’ve heard..these guys deserve nothing less than that.

I can’t say in words how proud I am to be able to say I have a little brother as part of this team, as well as great friends!

Go out and expose someone of their weakness next weekend! Love this group of grinders. Go Cajuns!!