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Athletic Network Photo Gallery – more photos added 1950-1969 years – including L’Acadien & Vermilion

Additional photos from the L’Acadien have been scanned for the 1950-1969 years and posted in the appropriate photo gallery.

Additional photos have also been posted in a variety of sports and support group photo galleries.

Photos of the L’Acadien and Vermilion for each of the years have been posted, as well as some faculty/staff photos. Please review those and if you have contact with any of those posted in the new photos, please ask them to email atheticnetwork@louisiana.edu so we may communicate with them. Thank you for any assistance you may provide as we attempt to document the existence of all of the AN attributes.

To view photos, click on www.athleticnetwork.net  – Phoot Gallery – attribute of your choice from menu – year of attribute you wish to view – click on any photo to enlarge.

Peace, Ed Dugas