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Athletic Network on Facebook: Congratulations Don Blair – 400th like reached Friday, Nov. 15th A.M.

This email message received this morning from Don Blair, Athletic Network Facebook Coordinator. 

FYI — a pretty significant milestone was reached this morning.  The 400th "LIKE" by individuals and some groups was logged— I believe when I took it 1-1/2 years ago it was at 88 likes.

In addition, a lot of back & forth and fan interchange continues to build as well (as it should, given the success of this past year).


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Congratulations to Don for his voluntary efforts and hard work to provide another medium where Cajun fans can enjoy information on the Ragin’ Cajuns 24/7. The fan interchange with him…priceless.

Click here for Don’s Athletic Network profile.

Click here for the Athletic Network Facebook page.