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Athletic Network: Meet Some of The Volunteer Staff Who Attended The Recent AN Meeting

June 17, 2015 Athletic Network Staff Meeting. Seated L-R: Ethan Duhon, Student Assistant; Bruce Brown, Spotlight Feature Writer; Kim Taraba, Published News; Standing: John Dugas, Webmaster and Coordinator; Don Blair, Athletic Network Facebook; David Faber, Assistant to Webmaster; Dr. Ed Dugas, Research Coordinator.

Please find above some of the Athletic Network volunteer staff who keep information moving in a positive direction in a timely manner. Other volunteers include the captains of the various networks and many others. Yes, our appreciation to Olde Tyme Grocery for providing the wonderful po-boys for lunch.

In addition to the above volunteers, offices at the university assist in a variety of areas. Some of these offices include the following:
Scholarship, Foundation, Advancement Services, Development, Alumni, Athletics, Coaches, Sports Information, Louisiana Room and other Dupre Library staff, Registrar, and others. Faculty and Staff, both active and retired, also assist in a variety of ways.

Our sponsors provide the financial support needed for us to conduct our mission statement objectives while operating in a stable financial environment. Firefly Digital, Inc., our host since 2002, provides outstanding quality professional service so our viewers receive timely news and navigate our archives for wonderful historical information and photos.

Thank you for being a loyal viewer. Please know your support is appreciated. 

Peace, Ed Dugas