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Ashley Brignac
Ashley Brignac
Brignac’s Blog: Feb. 8, 2008
Softball  02/14/2008  Courtesy RaginCajuns.com
  Friday, February 08, 2008

This whole week has been very exciting.  We all knew that we would finally start games this weekend!  Practice after practice.  Scrimmage after scrimmage.  We are now ready to play other teams.  We have worked extremely hard throughout the fall up to now.  I started to get the feeling of excitement when we scrimmaged in our uniforms on Wednesday.  We did our pregame routines and got ready to play.  Then today, when I saw the bus pull up, I was like, “Its here.  Games are finally about to start and everything that we want to accomplish this year starts right now.”  Once you’re out there on the field, you realize why you have worked so hard and put in so much effort.  There’s no better feeling than being out there in your uniform and playing a game that you love!  It’s even better when you get to play the game with teammates that have the same goals and feelings as you do!  This team is unique.  We spend 24/7 together on the field, but the moments that we actually do get off, you will find us all calling each other asking, “What are you doing tonight?” or “Want to come over and hang out?”  It’s like a big family!


“Practice at one and we leave at three thirty” was the text message that we received from Coach Joy.  After practice ended, we knew that we were ready for our games to start.  The bus was packed with all of our bags, uniforms, and equipment.  But of course, we can’t forget about the food.  We got settled in our seats and headed out.  I’m sitting in between Kelly and Monique, and across from Gabby.  It’s just like old times with Gabby and me.  We played at Curtis and with VooDoo together and now, we play together here.  There was a picture from one of our practices where I was on the mound and Gabby was at first and a really good friend of ours, Briana, who played with us at Curtis, commented on it saying that it was just like the good ole days.  It brings back a lot of memories!  Well, enough of going down memory lane, back to our bus trip.  The majority of people are sleeping, a few watching movies or reading books, and a few doing homework.  It’s about a three and a half hour trip, which isn’t bad compared to some of our other trips that we will be taking this year.  We started to watch the movie “We Are Marshall” but it kept messing up and then all of our phones ran out of service!  What were we suppose to do then?  Finally, service came back and the movie started working again.  That movie is awesome!  At the beginning, you couldn’t hear a sound throughout the bus, everyone was watching it, and even some tears were shed.  Then, people became restless and started talking again, mainly about how hungry we were.  That’s one great thing about this team: we know how to eat!


Finally, we arrived in Ruston.  First on our list: FOOD!  After maneuvering the bus through the full parking lot of Chili’s, we were able to get off and go wait in line to eat.  While we were waiting, we all went to the bathroom.  As the saying goes, girls go in pairs; in our case, we go in groups of about 20!  Actually, there were about 10 of us in a 3 stall bathroom but to say the least.  While we were waiting, Dupont jokingly says to Katie, “There’s nothing here!  Why do you live here?”  That made us all laugh, which we all need because we were in need of food.  I sat with Donna, Katie Smith, and Lana.  We told stories, looked at pictures, of course took pictures, and ate our food.


After eating, we finally got to our hotel, which was only like 3 minutes from the restaurant.  We had to get all of our bags off, and of course, I had a lot of them: my clothes bag, school bag, purse, laptop case, and my pillow.  My hands were full!  We all go into the lobby where we would get our keys to our rooms.  My roommate is Lana.  Room 217, it’s the place to be!  As soon as we walk into our room, we get blasted in the face with heat!  It’s hard for us to go to sleep when it’s hot, so we definitely had to turn the heater off and put some cold air in our room.  We listened to some Christian music: Jeremy Camp, Casting Crowns, Hillsongs, just to name a few!  Bed time comes early tonight because we have to get up early for our games.  We are wearing our black jerseys with red pants.  I am getting really excited now!  Finally, our season is here.  What could be more exciting than that!  Coach Stef goes around to each room, lets us know what time we are leaving and what we are wearing, and then tells us to go to bed, lights out!  Well, I think she is knocking on our door so that means its lights out.  Time to get some rest to get ready for tomorrow!  2008 season starts now!


Colossians 3:23   Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.