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Louise Baudin Kenny and Robert Kenny – Music, 1952 & M. Ed., 1967; 1950

Louise Ann Baudin Kenny and Robert Wray Kenny

1952 & 1967, and 1950

Centennial Book of Letters – Showcase Month – November 1998

I am Louise Ann Baudin and I attended Southwestern Louisiana Institute from 1948-52, graduating in May 1952 with a double major in piano and voice and a Bachelor of Music degree.

I attended SLI on an academic scholarship that paid  $18.50 each semester that I was registered. Fortunately, my parents could afford my education each semester; so it was an honor to have this scholarship which helped with some of the various expenses.  I chose SLI because of two uncles, Griffin and Burton Brumfield, who were outstanding track athletes in the 1940’s. The campus was so beautiful, well landscaped with camellias and azaleas as well as other plants and trees; however, the plants and trees were my favorites. The area of Cypress Lake was completely open and from the girls dorms of Buchanan and Evangeline Halls one could gaze out the upper windows and view most of this lake. The Infirmary was located across the street from these dorms and near the Boy’s Gym and tennis courts. During this time, very few students owned cars, so we walked everywhere and did not mind, especially when dating. Enrollment at this time was approximately 3000-3200 students with many Latin American students who were from Cuba and Central America. St. Mary Street, beyond Burke Hall, where I spent much time with my music studies, was gravel and dusty. When it rained, we had a mess; and after a very heavy rain with much water standing, it was quite a challenge to cross this street usually at “Hicks.” Most students and faculty frequented this business for snacks and delicious coffee for 10 or 15 cents a cup. I’m sure many a date was planned while at Hicks.

                The faculty was very much involved with us, interested enough to hold extra study sessions so that subjects could be mastered. In most buildings, we had no air conditioning, only oscillating fans to, hopefully, keep us alert and move the warm air. Somehow, I did not recall it being so unbearably hot, though I’m sure at times it was.

                Being directly across from the dining hall, we were able to catch the scent of the next meal and looked forward to eating. The meals were fairly good and on Sundays they were unusually good. A meal ticket cost $37.50 a month, as I recall. Friends have mentioned that room and laundry were also included in this cost; however, I do not exactly recall the amount.

                School activities were often held around Cypress Lake, especially political talks by students. Outdoor concerts were held near Girard Hall where stands were set up for the performers under the big oak trees that were almost 50 years old. The audience sat on the ground or on the few folding chairs set up. Later performances, especially summer band concerts, were located behind the Infirmary on the edge of Cypress Lake and the tennis courts. These were very enjoyable and memorable occasions and allowed for much visiting with friends and their families, especially during the summer sessions when no more than 1500-1800 students were in attendance. Dances were held in the Men’s Gym and were always well attended. Visiting musicians (groups and individuals) on concert tours performed here also to standing room crowd most of the time.

                It was here at SLI that I met my future husband in September of 1948 who also a music student with a major in Instrumental Music. Both of us have interesting as well as sentimental attachments to various students we knew, who many years later would still be in contact with us or our paths would cross once again.

                I married John Wray Kenney who graduated in 1950 and later served two years with the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict. When he was discharged, we set our wedding date as December 26, 1953. Being of the Catholic faith, no weddings were allowed at that time prior to Christmas (Advent Season).  So that date was set because he was teaching in north Louisiana and had only a short break during the holidays. This year of 1998 we will celebrate our 45th anniversary, I am happy to say. While living in Columbia, LA. , two sons were born during the four and one – half years we resided there. After moving to Lafayette in August 1958 and during the years to follow, two more sons were born. John was Band/Orchestra Director at Lafayette Elementary School for 13 years and later at Lafayette High school for nine years. He taught 30 years, retired in 1980 and has been involved in the real estate business since then.

                Both of us attended LSU one summer to work on our Masters Degree. John earned his in 1957 from LSU while I earned mine in 1967 from USL (formerly SLI). We both would later earn the Masters Plus 30 or Specialist Degree from USL.

                I taught private piano for nine years along with Nursery School music four years.  Afterwards I entered the Lafayette Parish School system where I taught Vocal Music, later certified in Guidence Counseling and served as an Elementary/Middle School counselor for 17 years. Previous teaching gave me one year of credit so that when I retired in 1992, I had 25 years of service although in reality I taught 37 years.

                Our four sons all earned their degrees from USL and are in various careers /  professions. Robert J. Kenney is a physician (kidney specialist) in Baton Rouge. Stephen P. Kenney is a Civil Engineer in Houston working with several oil companies. Michael E. Kenney is a geologist here in Lafayette.  Brian T. Kenney is presently an oil lease broker living in Lafayette. We have four grandchildren and enjoy them immensely.

                Our future plans include travel, and (lots of it), time with family and grandchildren, and involvement in church activities. Gardening and flowers also keep us busy. We love to meet with friends from that era and talk about SLI and the wonderful memories we all have about a time now long past!