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James W. and Ezora J. Proctor – M. Ed., 1970

Name: Ezora J. Proctor
Graduation: 1970
Major: Administration and Supervision
Degree: M. Ed. + 30 hours above the Master’s degree
Name: Rev. James W. Proctor
Major: Administration and Supervision

Our memories of campus life at the University of Southwestern Louisiana were unique and wonderful. We have fond memories of Dr. Ed Dugas and Dr. Clayton Arceneaux who inspired us through precepts and examples of how to reach for the sky. They went beyond the call of duty to accommodate their students, thus exposing them to opportunities that would equip them for life.

                Many times during a week of classes, Clayton and Ed would present exegesis to us on how to cope with life’s experiences and the usage of practical approaches to solving problems. They were never too busy to lend a helping hand to an inquiring student or those of us who were void of understanding. Being very knowledgeable in their areas of expertise, Ed and Clayton were a step ahead of the class and had an intelligent answer for every inquiry. Their methodology of teaching was practical and included case studies that helped us tremendously during our sixty-two years of teaching.  They stressed the idea that professional development deepens one’s knowledge of the subject he teaches, provides him with  powerful new teaching strategies, and connects a teacher with colleagues down the hall as they work together to teach all students to high standards.

                We give accolades to Dr. Ed Dugas and Dr. Clayton Arceneaux for being the mentors and trail blazers that inspired us to become outstanding teachers, counselors, administrators, Drug- Coordinators, and a Louisiana Department of Education Manager.

                Presently, we are retired, serving as Pastor of the First Church of God in Christ in Jeanerette, consultants, and National President of the National Association of University Women (Headquarters in Washington, D.C.).

Sincerely yours,

Ezora J. Proctor – Class of 1970