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Dale H. Gleason – Education Faculty Member, 1968-1983

Dale H. Gleason

February, 1968 – June, 1983

Dear Ed,

The following is submitted for the COE Centennial Book of Letters by  Dr. Dale H. Gleason, faculty member, College of Education, February, 1968 to June, 1983.

I served as the first Coordinator of Secondary Education for a number of years. Additionally,  I served as faculty advisor to the Student La. Teachers Assn. for several years. Furthermore, it was my privilege to serve as chairman and member of many graduate committees.

During my service at USL, I was fortunate in working with excellent students in the classroom as well as during their student teaching experiences. The students in the College of Education program were motivated students who made teaching and working with them a pleasure.

Upon graduation, College of Education students were qualified teachers. It was a pleasure to recommend them for employment. The success of its graduates clearly demonstrates the quality of the USL College of Education Program and reflects credit upon the faculty and administrators.

Dale H. Gleason, Ed.D