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Coach Faulkinberry Era Football Reunion – Nov. 2, 2019

The 2019 gathering of former USL Football Players who played for Coach Russ Faulkinberry had their annual reunion on Homecoming Day, Saturday, November 2nd. The players and staff met again at Walk On Restaurant at 11:00 A.M. for lunch.

Approximately 25 former players & staff from this era attended the gathering for story telling (lies) about their football days at USL and for lunch. New attendees at the lunch were Larry and Terry Mitchell who played at USL 1966-69. A special guest at the lunch was Ron Gomez who was Voice of the Cajuns during this timeframe. Everyone enjoyed seeing Chester Gosnell who has recovered some from health issues. As mentioned above this group is open to all football players & staff who played for Coach Faulkinberry. A surprise lost to us this year was Guy Harvey.

Anyone interested in attending these reunions in the future should contact Tom Kelly at 540-788-4678 or at kellyt32@gmail.com.


Photography by Cecil, Cecil Fuselier, (337)281-1995, ccfuse2003@yahoo.com,

Note from Tom Kelly:

The group pictures with years are those players who started their careers at USL during those years.

Was not able to identify some of the folks in the pictures as they had their backs to the camera.