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Genesis of the Athletic Network

During Academic Showcase and the Centennial Celebration it was revealed that only a small percentage of former athletes and their support groups were in contact with each other and the university. This was reinforced during the Shipley Reunion held on Nov. 2-3, 2001. However, the Shipley Reunion and the Shipley web site www.coachshipley.com showed that things could be greatly improved. Liz Landry and John Dugas participated in numerous exploratory discussions which helped shape the Athletic Network concept. Liz Landry and I presented the Athletic Network concept to President Authement on May 2, 2002 and received his approval. Liz and John’s efforts (along with the support of many others) to breathe life into the Athletic Network concept are directly attributable to any successes experienced by the Athletic Network office.

The mission of the Athletic Network is “to identify, locate and communicate with former athletes and their support groups.” There is a strong need for the information on former athletes and their support groups to be developed, placed in one useable location, and made available to all who want to communicate with those persons. To identify and locate former athletes and support groups will require a tremendous team effort and, to that end, technology searches have interfaced with the use of a network of captains to produce some exciting results. Please view the list of sport and support group captains and co-captains and you will understand why so many former athletes are coming forward to be part of the Athletic Network.

Firefly Digital (where former Cheerleader, Mike Spears is President) is serving as the web site host. The management of the web site is the primary responsibility of John Dugas, Website Administrator. We are appreciative of the select sponsors who have purchased banner ads to help defray the basic costs associated with the site, most of which are borne by Firefly Digital.

Cajuns Fans who wish to become a FAN (Friend of Athletic Network) should click the “Become a FAN” link in the upper right of the home page and send to pre-addressed email. They will begin receiving the complimentary, electronic newsletter which will provide them with the periodical updates of the new Athletic Network postings.  

Dr. Ed Dugas, Coordinator, Athletic Network
John A. Dugas, Website Administrator
Website: www.athleticnetwork.net
P.O. Box 44090
Lafayette, LA 70504-4090

Email: athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu