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Q&A with Dana Radovanovic from Women’s Tennis, delivered by RoadRunnerApp.com

Louisiana Athletics has teamed up with RoadRunnerApp.com to offer a new series on RaginCajuns.com in which student-athletes share details on how they’ve adjusted during the COVID-19 pandemic, and offer insight into their personal lives.

In this Q&A feature article, you will "Get to Kneaux" tennis’ Dana Radovanovic. The Belfort, France native owned a 7-2 singles and a 6-2 doubles record before the 2020 season was cut short. 

Dana Radovanovic 

1. What has become your daily routine during quarantine? 
DR: Staying active is key for me during quarantine. I usually wake up around 9, stretch for a little bit and then have breakfast and spend time with my family. In the afternoon, I run or do some cardio depending on the weather. I usually study in between that afternoon workout and breakfast. I also always end my days with a 20-minute stretch. I usually organize my day to get done with my workout and stretch around 6pm so that it gives me plenty of time to enjoy the rest of the day with my family or if I still have any studying left.

2. How have you and your teammates stuck together remotely during this challenging time period? 
 Social media and Facetime helped us stay in touch. We would usually FaceTime during the day to talk, send pictures or message each other.

3. An important question: what is your favorite food? 
DR: Homemade lasagna is my favorite food.  

4. Take us back to when you decided to come to the University and become a Ragin’ Cajun. What about the school helped you make that decision? 
The campus and the athletic complex definitely helped me make that decision. I remember watching a video presenting UL’s campus and imagining myself going to school there after the first 2 minutes of the video. Being an athlete, I would say that seeing the quality of the training room or the weight room had a huge impact on me. While looking at the pictures showing the weight room, the training room, and the tennis courts, I felt like UL had everything needed to be successful. Three years later now, I think it is safe to say that I made the right decision to come to UL and I realize how lucky we are to work out in the weight room, and in the complex in general.

5. What is your earliest sports memory? 
 My earliest sports memory is the first tournament I won. I was eight years old and was so nervous, but what an epic moment! That victory motivated me and here I am 12 years later, still competing and loving it.

6. Growing up, your sports hero was who? And why? 
 Novak Djokovic has always been my sports hero. I’ve always liked his game and his mentality not only on the court, but also off the court. All of the things that he has done to help his country, children through his association, and many other things made me see him as a true hero.

7. What is your major, and what about it do you like most? 
DR: I am majoring in Management. The fact that I can use what I learn in my everyday life is what I like the most about it.  

8. What are your plans after your academic and athletic career at Louisiana is done?
I would like to help my sister go pro and become a sports manager if possible.