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Former Football: Jim Doyle Update by Ed Doyle

Jim got home last Thursday evening and although somewhat weak from the latest chemo and subsequent transplant, everyone including Jim agree that he is far ahead of where he was physically at the same juncture after his first transplant. Chris and I were able to go to Abbeville for the weekend and spend some quality time with Jim and Charlotte. His appetite is good and he plans on arranging for physical therapy to help him out. So all in all its all good news.

They will be returning to Little Rock in 6-7 weeks for a much lower dosage chemo treatment that they call "consolidation". That stay is expected to be 2-3 weeks as well as the second "consolidation" chemo follow up 6-7 weeks later. With some dancing around the Holidays, it would appear that the second 2-3 week trip would be very early January and then, God willing the treatment phase is done. Please keep Jim in your prayers, they are working!!!
Ed Doyle
Executive V. P.
Applied Business Concepts –
2829 Virginia Street
Kenner, La 70062
Phone: 504-467-2679
Fax: 504-467-2677
Cell: 504-908-2585