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Former Basketball: “Slam Dunked” Schedule of Promotional Appearances in Louisiana

The schedule next week is: 

Radio interview Thurs, Aug 21, on Jim Engster show in Baton Rouge on WRKF. 89.3, FM.  9:00 A. M. 
Book signing at Barnes and Noble, Corporate Square, Baton Rouge, 7 to 9 P. M. Saturday, Aug. 23rd.

We are open for civic club appearances or other events. 

The only ones currently scheduled are:
Sept. 30 , 7 P. M. Barnes and Nobles, Lafayette, Writers Guild of Acadiana

Saturday, October 4, 2008, Louisiana Book Festival, Capitol grounds,
Baton Rouge, 10 A.M. to 5 P. M.
Wednesday, 11:30 A. M. October 22, 2008, Beaver Club, Lafayette, Petroleum Club

Books are available on amazon.com, or all booksellers websites or ordered from anybookseller or from wordclay.com

Ron Gomez

Athletic Network Footnote:  Profiles for Ron Gomez and Coach Beryl Shipley are posted in the Athletic Network.