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Obituary: Donald Joseph Credeur Track & Field 1965 & 71-73

Please forgive this belated announcement of the passing of Don Credeur.
Our condolences to his family and friends. Thanks to Claude Revels for informing the AN of Don’s passing.

Please click below for the obituary of Donald Joseph Credeur.

Click here to view Don’s athletic network profile https://athleticnetwork.net/profile/don-credeur/
Thanks to teammate Herb Stein for providing background information to the Athletic Network.

Click here for the 1965 Track & Field Photo Gallery where Don was a record-holder https://athleticnetwork.net/gallery/track1965/

Click here for the 1972 Track & Field Photo Gallery (Don returned from Military Service) https://athleticnetwork.net/gallery/track1972/

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Peace, Ed Dugas