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Discover Lafayette Interviews Dr. Ed Dugas About the UL Athletic Network

Jan Swift, host of Discover Lafayette, received the news of the reactivation of www.athleticnetwork.net and was excited. She had been a long-time FAN (Friend of Athletic Network) and was familiar with past postings and newsletter. On Jan. 3, 2023 an interview was done with Jan assisted by Jason Sikora of the Rader Solutions team at

Click here for About the Podcasts https://discoverlafayette.net/about
You are encouraged to view the outstanding community-minded sponsors and other aspects of the podcast.

Viewers are encouraged to click on the Discover Lafayette website https://discoverlafayette.net/ and view the Podcasts of other people with UL connections. Other outstanding podcasts contain a variety of interesting information. Further, signing up for their newsletter is a neat way of staying informed on key information moving our community, area, and state forward.

Dr. Ed Dugas, UL – Lafayette Athletic Network and Beloved Historian

Dr. E. Joseph Savoie – President of University of Louisiana – Lafayette

John Bordelon, CEO of Home Bank, Discusses Career Journey and Growth of Bank

Joshua Caffery – Director of the Center for Louisiana Studies at UL- Lafayette

Yvette Girouard – Legendary Softball Coach of UL and LSU

David Trosclair Memorial Scholarship – A Mother’s Love and a Professor’s Friendship Create a Lasting Legacy

https://discoverlafayette.net/podcast/Coach of a Lifetime: The Story of Lewis Cook Jr., Legendary High School Football Coach

Peace, Ed Dugas