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Mr. Anthony "BAB" Babineaux
Graduated 1995

302 Mosscreek Dr.
Lafayette, LA 70508

UL Athletic Department
201 Reinhardt Dr.
Lafayette, La. 70506

Home Phone: 337-412-6882
Work Phone: 337-262-5193
Fax: 337-262-5192
Email: anthony.babineaux@louisiana.edu

Athlete from 1991-1994;
Student coach in 1995;
Volunteer coach in 1996;
Associate Head Coach/Director of Player % Program Development since 1997;
Married to Joni Podhorez-former Lady Cajun Softball player(95-98);
Daughter-Brooklyn Elise-October 9, 2004;
Daughter – Syndey Grace-Septemeber 3, 2007.