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Mr. Russell "Coose" Cusimano
Graduated 1995

203 Portsmouth Drive
Broussard, LA 70518

Frank's Casing Crew
700 E. Verot School Road
Lafayette, Louisiana 70508

Home Phone: 337-739-6467
Work Phone: 337-572-2311
Fax: 337-572-2462
Email: rkcusimano@yahoo.com

I played baseball (90 & 91) for a few years with the Ragin’ Cajuns prior to transfering to play for Lassen College in 1992 and San Diego State University in 1993 and 1994.

I currently reside in Lafayette and I work for Frank’s Casing Crew as a salesman.

I remain a loyal Ragin’ Cajun fan and I continue to follow all of this University’s sports programs.