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Mr. Thomas "Tommy" Jameson

2513 Haring Rd
Metairie, Louisiana 70001


Home Phone: 504-456-0360
Work Phone: --
Fax: --
Email: tjameson4@cox.net

This Living Memorial of Coach Bob Cole was submitted on Sept. 15, 2017. Below the LM for Coach Bob Cole’s Tribute is information which Tommy had submitted earlier about his track and field years at USL, his family, his profession, and some of his current activities.

Tommy Jameson
Discus 1962 to 1966

My first introduction to Coach Cole came as a very enthusiastic letter. I had a friend at USL whose family had to move to the Long Beach area of California in the summer of 1963.
He invited me to make the trip with him and spend the summer there in Seal Beach. I was able to practice at Long Beach State and participate in various meets in area.
While I was there I received a letter from Coach Cole informing me of his appointment as our new track coach and of his anticipation of a terrific track season.
I wish I would have kept that letter.
My interactions with Coach Cole were mostly person to person rather than Coach to athlete. He spent most of his time with the runners and we would be off on another area of the field throwing the discus.
I believe that I may have been responsible for bringing a little enjoyment into Coach Cole’s life. I have a vague remembrance of when we traveled to various track meets using the school station wagons.
I would almost always ride with Coach Cole driving and me riding shotgun. After a while of talking and riding I would get sleepy and fall asleep. Coach Cole could not resist waking me up.
He would make the car swerve, brake suddenly or hit the horn. He would have that big mischievous smile on his face when I awoke.
I remember Coach Cole as a wonderful, fun loving person.

* * * * *

Went to nationals for discus in 1966.
Voted all american for discus in 1966.
Held Southwestern relays record in discus for a few years.
Married for forty three years. We have
one daughter who has a son. He will be
14 in March.
I am retired from the Times Picayune
I coach the discus and shot put at St.
Martin’s Episcopal school during the
track season.
Updated by Tommy on Nov. 23, 2016