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Mr. Joseph "Noony" Handy
Graduated 1990

115 Sunflower Dr. A-3
Lafayette, La 70508

University of Louisiana at Lafayette
226 Cajundome Blvd. Room 114G
Lafayette, LA 70506

Home Phone: 337-857-5145
Work Phone: 337-482-6639
Fax: 337-482-6278
Email: jph1696@louisiana.edu

Joe is a dedicated servant of the university and kinesilogy. Further, he is a big fan of athletics and an original member of Baseball’s Dirty Dozen.
Joe spent 4 years in the Navy ( Jan 23rd 1963 to Jan 23rd 1967), and with the National Guard Desert Storm…..I made it to Fort Hood before being re-assigned. Most of my time was spent on the USS Witek, out of New London (Groton) Conn (For 2 ½ years, after leaving Great Lakes Il).
Shore duty was sort of Clerical and Guard duty at Great Lakes. Aboard ship Ship Service. National Guard ( first..Communications—top secret clearance) then JAG (Judge Advocate General) chore). How’s that for a somewhat of an old salty. I went in during the Vietnam era and served around Guantanamo Bay Cuba, it was unsettling then.

Well that was a little something. Hey, thanks for all you do and stay in touch. God Bless.

Joseph Handy, Born to Alice Handy in the year of our Lord 1943, didn’t know my father had one sister Theresa (deceased). Church Point, LA.

Keep the fire burning Ed.

Updated on Nov. 19, 2013.