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Mr. Dallas Wolf
Graduated 1955

11010 Ella
Houston, Tx 77042


Home Phone: 713-783-0218
Work Phone: --
Fax: --
Email: dallas.wolf@prodigy.net

I came to SLI in Sept. 1952, after playing a freshman year, 1947, at the University of Illinois and 4 years in the Army Air Corps, during which I played on several military and other AAU teams. In a YMCA tournament in 1951, I was playing for the Washington, D.C. team and we were defeated by a team from New York. Mort Elkin, who had played for SLI after he served in WWII, was on the team that beat us, and after the game we talked and he offered to write Coach Dutch about me. Much correspondence later, Dutch offered me a scholarship and my wife and I had 3 enjoyable years in Lafayette. We were 4 or 5 years older than most of my classmates and team mates, both had jobs and were living in the vet barracks south of the main campus.
Dutch, Dr. Burnam, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Phillips, Dean Abel, Dr. Fletcher, and many others were of great help to us. We met many fine young men and women, and we often talked about some and wondered about their lives after SLI. We, because of my work and travel in the oil industry and some health problems did not get back very often, but we both (Rae passed away May 30, 2001) had fond and sincere memories about the university. My brother Clyde, followed me to SLI and played baseball, got a masters and taught for many years at SLI. He passed away in 2000. My youngest brother later came to the university, but decided to forego his sport, football, and completed his degree, as did his wife, at SLI.