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Mr. Jimmy Dykes
Graduated 2002

1235 Springwater Drive
Mandeville, LA 70471


Home Phone: 985-672-4246
Work Phone: 504-289-8377
Fax: --
Email: jimmydykes43@gmail.com

Jimmy submitted two Living Memorials to the Athletic Network. His LM to Coach Banna was submitted on 5/15/2017 and posted that day by Dr. Ed Dugas. That LM is followed by his LM for the Beryl Shipley Tribute.

Bobby Banna’s Living Memorial, Jimmy Dykes – Basketball 1962-64, Student Coach 1964-66

My relationship with Bobby started in 1967 when I served as Head Basketball Coach and Assistant Football Coach at Catholic High, New Iberia, LA. Bobby was the Head Football Coach.

While I played high school football, this was my first experience with true “football people”. The staff included Chester Gosnell and Bill Bayard…..legends in their own right at USL.

To say that I learned a lot about football is an understatement. To say that I learned more about life and it’s challenges is more accurate.

The life teacher was Coach Bobby Banna. He drilled into those kids what “teamwork” was all about ….what paying a price to achieve something great was all about ….what it meant to love those who lined up next to you.

I can remember more than one half time talk by Coach Banna that had me in tears……He had that tough exterior but his heart was a “heart of gold”.

I have to say that of all the things I took away from my short year with Bobby was what it meant to be a “Christian Man” …. A man who holds God in the center of his life from that time ‘till now.

Bobby and I are still the closest of friends to this day. Congratulations Bobby for this wonderful tribute to you. Knowing you, I know how humbly you receive these accolades, but for sure….no one deserves it more!!

I love you Man……

* * * * *

Jimmy’s Living Memorial to Coach Shipley was submitted for the Shipley Reunion in 2001 and updated several times since then. Posted Sept. 18, 2017 by Dr. Ed Dugas.

Basketball Player, 62 – 64 and student coach, 64 – 66.

Married Gwen Guetig in 1975. Children: Jennifer (24), Christopher (22), and Mary (16).

What recruitment? I tried out for the team and after being cut two or three times, I finally made it (12th man on a twelve man team and proud to be part of it).

The friendships that I developed with many of my teammates continue to this date. The good times and the bad – all of the GSC Championships, as well as those tough practices following a defeat.

Being able to coach with Coach Shipley (as his Freshman Coach in my Junior and Senior years) and experience his coaching talents as well as his love and affection for his players.

– Coach Shipley throwing up before almost every game which meant that ” he was ready.”

– Dean Church having the points that he scored in a game added to his Sociology test. I was in his class and since I didn’t get in the game, I talked the Professor into giving me half of what
Dean made. I found myself yelling “shoot the ball, Dean.”

– Mac Price fouling out of the Spring Hill game in a record setting 2 minutes and 45 seconds and being greeted by Coach Shipley at the bench with a hand shake and telling him,” nice game, Mac.”

– Us being up by 30 points against Northeast (in Monroe) with 3 minutes to go and Shipley putting the end of the bench in, thinking that we had it won. With 1 minute and 7 seconds left, he yanked us from the game with us leading by 7 points – we couldn’t get the ball past half court. Some two years ago, Mac Price and I were talking about that game and Mac said, “Heck , it wasn’t our fault , we never practiced past half court.”

Graduated in 1966 with a B.S. in Business Administration.
Coached basketball for 9 years and have been in the Insurance business from 1974 until the present.

The lessons that I learned from Coach Shipley have helped me become what I am today and for that I am most grateful.