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Mr. Randy Price
Home Phone: 830-257-2832 Randy provided his Living Memorial to Coach Shipley for the 2001 Shipley Reunion, then updated it in October, 2011. Posted by Dr. Ed Dugas on Sept. 18, 2017. Basketball Players, 1955-59. Wife, Helen – We have 8 children (3 ULL graduates and lots of Aggies), 11 grandchildren (nine boys). State High School playoffs my Junior year were at SLI. The next year Coach Reinhardt bought me a T-Bone steak (not fried) and that got me. I was the last of Coach Reinhardt’s recruits still playing basketball when I graduated. Most of my memories of playing for Coach Shipley are of blisters, floor burns, bruises, running stands, whistle drills and long, long practices. I still hold the oldest records in the record book. (1) most disqualifications in one season – 14 of them, (2) 4.3 average fouls per game (and they don’t even have my best year!, (3) is not an official record but according to Coach Shipley I sweated more than any other player. BS 1959 – coached 2 years – 1 year in Patterson and 1 year at Northside. Spent 5 years in sales with Ralston Purina. For the last 33 years I have been in the stock brokerage business having spent 6 years in management and the remainder in sales. Currently, I am with Raymond James Financial Services in Kerrville, TX. Top Six Things I Learned from Coach Shipley (and not in kindergarten!): #6 – Four lines – six balls drill (have not found any use for in my adult life). #5 – Get every loose ball (if you don’t, it’s two lines one ball). #4 – Take that lick (if you don’t, stand without flinching, and let some big redhead run over you). #3 – Never, never, never give up the base line (if you do some serious consequences will be heaped upon you) #2 – “Son if you don’t have 4 fouls per game, you haven’t helped this team at all” – (I fouled out of the next 13 games!) #1 – No matter how discouraged or fatigued you were, you learned you still had some left. Coach Shipley was very well respected and loved by out-of-town fans. In 1958, at Northwestern, after much heckling by a few hundred fans, he invited them down for a nice, friendly conversation. Standing beside him, I sure am glad they declined. I hated to hear that Coach Shipley had cardiovascular problems, but it was refreshing to learn that he had a heart! Submitted for the 2001 Shipley Reunion and updated on 10/6/2011.