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Athletic Network Being Saved and Transported To New Host – Temp. Inactivation Planned for Dec. 20

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes in 2022 to all Athletic Network viewers and their families. 

The Athletic Network website at www.athleticnetwork.net will have a new home in the future. Firefly Marketing Solutions, our wonderful host since 2002 is being reorganized and upgraded and the Athletic Network does not fit into those plans, primarily because of the age of our site and the manner it was built.

At this time, the pages of the current AN website are being saved by the university and once a new host is determined, the future direction of the AN can be decided.

Your past support and assistance in building the AN is sincerely appreciated. The participation of sponsors, former players, support groups, the university, and the Cajun Nation has been phenomenal.

Viewers are encouraged to copy and save any pages they would like to retain.

December 20 is the target date when the AN website will no longer be accessible in its current format.

Peace and in Appreciation,
Ed and John Dugas and the entire volunteer staff of the Athletic Network