Tribute to Louisiana Coaches: Foundation for Beryl Shipley Tribute Activated – 4 More Coaches AlsoThe foundation of the Tribute to Coach Beryl Shipley has been activated. Three sections comprise the tribute: section I – his biography coordinated by Tom Shipley and Marilyn Watson Shipley, including the La. Sports Hall of Fame; section II – designed by the AN with links to other postings on the AN, and section III – the "heart" of the tribute, LMs written by former players and support groups. Currently there are 35 LMs posted, but this is only the foundation. While sections I & II are completed, section III is a work-in-progress and opened-ended with space for more LMs. Former players and support group members are encouraged to consider documenting their memories of Coach Shipley and be part of his tribute. Appreciation is extended to each person who submitted a Living Memorial and/or who donated to the design, construction, maintenance, and updating of the Shipley Tribute. The tribute was only made possible through your participation. Participants in the Shipley Tribute become owners of the tribute by virtue of their LM and their donation. It really belongs to them, without filters between them and their beloved coach. Construction beyond the foundation of the tribute will continue as former players and support staff are encouraged to participate in honoring Coach Shipley by emailing your Living Memorial (LM) to athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu Further appreciation is extended to John Dugas and David Faber, Athletic Department Staff, and Ethan Duhon, AN Student Worker for their technology efforts in this new area of unique and special historical preservation on the Athletic Network. Tribute foundations for coaches Bobby Banna, Russ Faulkinberry, Yvette Girouard, Robert "Bob" Cole have also been activated and their former athletes are encouraged to email their Living Memorial (LM) to athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu Former players and support groups of Coach Nelson Stokley are involved in the foundation construction of his tribute. The foundation of the Coach Beryl Shipley Tribute was activated on October 9, 2017. Please email athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu for more information about the Tributes to Louisiana Coaches. Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas