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“Our Louisiana” address by Gov. John Bel Edwards

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,


Governor John Bel Edwards will mark the start of the next special legislative session with an address tomorrow, Tuesday, May 22, at UL Lafayette.


The governor’s “Our Louisiana” speech will begin at 1 p.m. in the historic Earl K. Long Gymnasium.


This is an extraordinary event – and I want you to be a part of it.


Governors rarely open legislative sessions outside the State Capitol or away from Baton Rouge. It’s an honor that Gov. Edwards has chosen our campus to do so. The special session will address a host of critical challenges our state faces, including health care priorities and higher education funding. These issues touch everyone in the UL Lafayette family – administrators, faculty, staff, and most importantly, our students.



In addition to Gov. Edwards, First Lady Donna Edwards and Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser, we are expecting legislators, members of the governor’s cabinet, area government and law enforcement officials, health care leaders, and colleagues from the state’s higher education community.


Help make all our guests welcome. Doors open at noon. You’re encouraged to RSVP at gov.louisiana.gov/ourlouisiana 




Dr. Joseph Savoie