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Margaret Estorge LeBas – Health and Physical Education, 1981; M. Ed., 1998

Margaret Estorge LeBas

Bachelor of Science in Education (1982)

Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction (December 1998)

                The most memorable parts of my educational experience at U.S.L. are the wonderful people I met and the amount of knowledge that I gained.  The instructors were such a special part of that learning experience.  Their caring, enthusiasm, and knowledge of subject matter made U.S.L. a unique adventure.  U.S.L. has an atmosphere around campus that makes it stand out from other college campuses.  The student body and faculty are extremely friendly and allow U.S.L. to be a comfortable environment.

                Many of the professors I had are no longer at U.S.L., but I feel that through their concern and dedication to their profession, I learned a tremendous amount of information during those six years in undergraduate and graduate school.  Some of my instructors were Dr. Marty Bourg, Mr. Rodney Trahan, Dr. Ellen Gillentine, Mr. Dennis Donaldson, Dr. Edwina Testerman, Dr. Patricia Johnson, Dr. Ed. Dugas, Dr. Gerald George, Dr. Wendel Gatch, Ms. Sue Baudier, and Dr. James Clemons.  Through my years at U.S.L., I have developed friendships that are very special to me and will last a lifetime.

Presently, I am teaching Elementary Physical Education at two elementary schools.  I am teaching grades first through fifth.  Prior to teaching Elementary Physical Education, I had a graduate assistantship in the Physical Education department, teaching activity classes for two years.  When I first graduated from U.S.L., I went to work for Red Lerille’s Health & Racquet Club for six years.

I will graduate with a Masters degree in Education in December 1998.  My experience during my graduate studies was an enlightening and productive one.  My time spent studying and working at U.S.L. has been a great experience.  I am looking forward to the Centennial Celebration with gratification of knowing that this University has made a difference in my life and the lives of so many other people.