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James Edward Kennison – Health and Physical Education, 1955; M. Ed., 1958

James Edward Kennison

Graduated in 1955 with a B.S. Degree in Physical Education and  Science

  1. Ed. Degree in 1958

Southwestern Louisiana Institute

They say those were good ole days – NOT SO – life was more hectic, dull. At times life was very active with never ending problems. Our social activities centered around the “S” club, the Catholic Student Center, and Voorhies.

Stadium living was very interesting. We had four athletes in one room and we had two restrooms with showers to accommodate 60 growing and grown men. We had no training table for meals as you find today. We ate with the student body which I found to be very interesting.

There were about 1800 hundred students at S.L.I.  All the professors knew the students in their classes.  Education professors which I recall were Dr. Louis Coussan, Dr. R.E. May , Dr. Robinette and others. My Physical Education and Recreation teachers were Ms. Margaret McMillan, Mr. V.J. Edney, Bill Stevenson, Dutch Reinhardt, Elvin Brand and others.

After leaving S.L.I.  in 1955,  I received my wings as a pilot in the U.S.A.F.  I remained a pilot for three years and returned to Port Barre H. S. as a teacher and coach. I left in 1963 to become to become an Assistant Professor in R at USL. In 1970 to 1974, I was the Coordinator of the Graduate Program in the department. I was a school board member in St. Landry Parish from 1972-74. I relinquished my board position to become the Director of Federal Programs and, then, later the Director of Research, Development and Evaluation.

                In 1958 , I received the Master of Education Degree from USL and the Doctor of Education from LSU in 1966.

                During my tenure as a teacher and professor, I belonged to over 20 professional organizations, too many to elaborate on at this time.

                Among the honors I received were:

                                – Teacher of the Year – St. Landry Public Schools

                                – Louisiana  Administrator of the Year

                                – Nominated as “Executive Educator” in top 100 executive educators

                                -” Outstanding Educator Award” from the LA Assn. of  School Executives

                                -” Outstanding Alumni Award” – USL Health and Physical Education

                Athletic Experiences:

                                – Lettered in football, baseball and track while attending S.L.I.

                                – Was voted “All Conference” in football

                                – Was honored by being placed in the Athletic “Hall of Fame” at USL.

                In 1980, I became the superintendent of the Pointe Coupee Parish School system where I remained for five and a half years. Since retirement, my wife Gloria and I travel a lot in my camping trailer. I play a lot of golf and I am still an avid hunter. When not doing these things, I perform “Honey Do’s” that my wife orders me to do.

                If I had my life to live over, I would not change a thing.  I have been blessed with a great wife, two sons Dan and Kearns and six grandchildren. Oh — how time flies —

James Kennison , Ed.D.