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Family Connections: Latest Postings – Are Your Family Connections Posted ? Know of any FCs missing?

Please click on www.athleticnetwork.net  –   History of UL Athletics (left side of home page) – Family Connections – then scroll down.

In addition to the Family Connections cited in GEAUX, the game day Football program, viewers are able to see the almost 100 Family Connections posted by the Athletic Network. 

What makes the Rogers, Fisher, Tatford, and Roy Family Connections so unique?

What is "super special" about the Pierret Family?

Are twins well represented in the Family Connections?
Please check the FC of  twins June Broussard Meyers and Judy Broussard Mouton.

Please email your Family Connections to athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu  – please use the format in the current FC listings. Thanks.  Viewers are welcome to email FCs to us and we will contact the persons involved. Thanks.

Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas