Team Roster
Front Row (L-R): Kenneth Brooks, Scott Blakely, Mark Lalande, Billy Welch, Joel Boni, Steve Klapko, Mike Madonna, Kyle Pitre, Eddie Enloe, Wayne Bares; Middle Row (L-R): Billy Brooks, Thomas Bridges, Jerry Carroll, Bryan Molaison, Jimmy Nance, Steve Selcer, Marty Garcia, Lee Frankel, Lorne Landreneau, Lenny Frazier, Russell Caffey; Top Row (L-R): Clyde Wolf, Don Lockwood, Robert Dunphy, Craig Fryman, Doug Mueller, Chuck Barnes, Robert Kulbeth, Jerry Nalley, Mike Hebert, Danny Jewell, Marc Baronet, Wayne Cotton, David Guidry. Photo and ID provided by Jerry Carroll with ID assistance from Robert Dunphy and Mark Lalande.