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2013 Sweethearts Reunion Digital Photo Gallery

Pre-Reunion Photos

Recognition Social on Friday Evening

Homecoming Parade 10:00 a.m., Saturday

Photos by Kevin & Karen Strenge Segura and Gracey Domingue

Chris Becnel and Sandra Judice Moore, served as co-chairs of the Sweethearts Homecoming Parade.
Three trucks were provided by Musson Patout Automotive Center in New Iberia and one by Dane Escott.
Sweetheart truck drivers were Dane Escott, Don Blair, Skipper Holloway, and Coach Tony Robichaux.
Banners were provided by Skipper and Sandy LeBlanc Holloway.

Photos by Ed Dugas athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu

Ragin’ March 3:00 p.m., Saturday

Photos by Ed Dugas athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu

Photos by Gracey Domingue

Cajun Field Half-Time Recognition of Sweethearts