2013 Sweethearts Reunion Digital Photo GalleryPre-Reunion Photos
 Some of committee at the Aug. 15 meeting - seated L-R: Cara Judice Escott, Jodie Darby Suire, Kathi Thibodeaux Daly. Standing: Sherry Richard LeBas, Patti Segura Daigle, Sandra Judice Moore, Chris Becnel, Sandy LeBlanc Holloway.  Front of 2013 Sweethearts Reunion Shirt by Karen Strenge Segura, committee chair.  Back of reunion shirt commemorating "Respect"  L-R:Kathleen "Kathi" Thibodeaux Daly & Sally "Toni" Thibodeaux Wiley, Directors/Choreographers, 1967 & 68  Sweethearts practice shorts - late 1970s  Jack Arceneaux, Marching Band Director & Sweetheart sponsor, 1966-71  L-R: Toni Barcelona Braud & Monica "Tookie" Bellard Pecoraro model Sweethearts uniforms  Sweethearts T-Shirt Emblem, Circa 1973  L-R: Sommer Landry-Richard, Musson Patout Automotive;Jodie Darby Suire, reunion chair; Chris Becnel, parade co-chair; plan for parade.
Recognition Social on Friday Evening
 Sweetheart entrance to Petroleum Club Ballroom  Registration Table  Advanced Registration Table - inside ballroom  Door Prize Table - Tookie & Toni Show  Podium area  Kathy & Toni poster compliments of Skipper Holloway  Sherry Richard LeBas poster compliments of Skipper Holloway  Jack Arceneaux poster compliments of Skipper Holloway  Sweets for the Sweethearts  Jack's cake - in recognition of his 80th birthday  Cover of written program poster compliments of Skipper Holloway  Sherry Richard LeBas, Recognition Social co-emcee, welcomes audience  Sherry introduces Scott Farmer, Athletic Director  Scott Farmer, Athletic Director  Kathleen "Kathi" Thibodeaux Daly and Sally "Toni" Thibodeaux Wiley  Kathleen "Kathi" Thibodeaux Daly and Sally "Toni" Thibodeaux Wiley  L-R: Sharon Fisher O'Neill, Sally "Toni" Thibodeaux Wiley, Sherry Richard LeBas, Kathleen "Kathi" Thibodeaux Daly, Karen Strenge Segura  Monica "Tookie" Bellard Pecoraro & Toni Barcelona Braud  Toni Barcelona Braud, Karen Strenge Segura & Sandra Rogers Creswell  Candy Rougeou Johnson, Toni & Karen  Cara Judice Escott & Jack Arceneaux  Cara declares Jack "Honorary Life Sweetheart"  Margaret George, Petroleum Club staff, presents Jack his birthday cake  Denise Dutruch, Doris Williams Bernard, Karen Oldenburg Hoyt, Sandra Judice Moore, Dianne Tantillo & Cara Judice Escott  Dr. E. Joseph Savoie, President  Sandra Judice Moore, Recognition Social Co-emcee  Dr. Ed Dugas made "Honorary Sweetheart" by Sandra, Cara, Kathi  Reunion Committee joins Sandra for "Honorary Sweetheart" announcement  Toni, Karen & Sandra  Karen Strenge Segura preping audience for hand-motion rehearsal  392  393  395  Jeri Toce Dupuis, Sue Gilder Caswell, Doris Williams Bernard, Candy Rougeou Johnson  397  399  400  Kit Becnel, Chris' sister, staffs advanced registration table  Don Blair, UL Athletic Hall of Fame member & Athletic Network Facebook Coordinator; Kit Becnel; Brian Butcher, Channel One Digital  403  Karen reviews group on hand-motions  406  Karen and Sweethearts having fun  408  Dianne Tantillo & Sherry share a few memories  Sherry,Dianne relating more stories & Sandra
Homecoming Parade 10:00 a.m., Saturday
Photos by Kevin & Karen Strenge Segura and Gracey Domingue
Chris Becnel and Sandra Judice Moore, served as co-chairs of the Sweethearts Homecoming Parade.
Three trucks were provided by Musson Patout Automotive Center in New Iberia and one by Dane Escott.
Sweetheart truck drivers were Dane Escott, Don Blair, Skipper Holloway, and Coach Tony Robichaux.
Banners were provided by Skipper and Sandy LeBlanc Holloway.
 41  43  Don Blair, Sandra Judice Moore, Ed Dugas  64  68  Don Blair, first Musson Patout truck, on St. Mary Blvd.  485  488  Dane Escott truck on St.Mary
Photos by Ed Dugas athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu
 Don Blair, Coach Tony Robichaux & Skipper Holloway - Musson Patout Trucks - Parade Drivers  419e  427e  Don Blair with President Savoie's parade car.  Dane Escott and his Sweetheart riders.  Skipper Holoway and his Sweetheart riders.  Coach Tony Robichaux and his Sweetheart riders.  Don Blair and his Sweetheart riders.
Ragin’ March 3:00 p.m., Saturday
Photos by Ed Dugas athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu
 457e  458e  459e  460e  461e  463e  464e  465e  466e  467e  469e  470e
Photos by Gracey Domingue
 542kg  548kg  554kg  556kg  557kg  559kg  563kg  570kg  577kg  588kg  589kg  592kg
Cajun Field Half-Time Recognition of Sweethearts
 472e  480e  481e  482e  483e  484e  485e  486e